Françoise Vergès

Independent curator and Activist

Françoise Vergès is a Franco-Reunionnaise political theorist, a decolonial antiracist feminist, an independent curator and an activist. Growing up in Reunion Island in an anticolonial family, she was very early exposed to French (post)colonial policies which she analyzed in her Ph.D (Berkeley, 1995). She convenes L’Atelier, a workshop cum public performance with artists and activists of color and La Colonie nomade with artist Kader Attia, and organizes decolonial visits of musuems. Recent publications include: Programme de désordre absolu. Décoloniser le musée (2023), A Feminist Theory of Violence (2022) and A Decolonial Feminism (2021) and De la violence coloniale dans l’espace public (2021).

On Colonial Violence in the Public Space