Dowoti Desir-Hounon Houna II


  • Dowoti Desir-Hounon Houna II
  • The AfroAtlantic Theologies & Treaties Institute

Dòwòti Désir is the Founder and President of the AfroAtlantic Theologies & Treaties Institute (ATI) She has traveled extensively documenting the historic sites, memorials and monuments of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in captive Africans: Désir has served as the designated UNESCO Desk Review Expert for the New Approaches and Interpretations to Slavery Museums and Sites International Conference; worked on the African Diaspora Heritage Trail, and as a Cultural Enterprise Specialist for the International Labour Office where she worked on national cultural policy and development in Zambia. A former Brooklyn College, CUNY professor, Désir was the ED of the Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Center in NYC. She serves as the Ambassador-At-Large of the Grand Conseil du Vodun Hwendo Benin, and is also recognized as Her Majesty Queen Dòwòti Désir Hounon Houna II of Ouidah.